12 Cooking and Food Myths That Are Actually Wrong

Cooking is an art form that requires skill, patience, and creativity but it’s also important to understand the truth behind common cooking and food myths. These food myths have been around for ages and have been passed down from generation to generation. Some of these myths have even become ingrained in our culture, leading many of us to believe that they are true. Along the way, we have picked up many tips and tricks that we think will make our cooking better. However, some of these so-called cooking myths are not based on facts and can even harm the quality of our food. In this article, we will debunk 20 cooking myths that are actually false.

cooking and food myths

Don’t Believe These Common Cooking Myths: Debunking the Top 12 Kitchen Tall Tales

Myth #1

Searing meat seals in the juices: While searing meat can add flavor and texture, it does not actually seal in the juices. The juices are lost during cooking no matter what.

Myth #2

You should always rinse raw chicken before cooking it: Rinsing chicken can actually spread bacteria around your kitchen, increasing the risk of food poisoning. Instead, cook the chicken thoroughly to kill any harmful bacteria.

Myth #3

Adding oil to the water prevents the pasta from sticking: Adding oil to the water can actually make the pasta more slippery and prevent the sauce from sticking to it. Instead, stir the pasta frequently while it cooks to prevent sticking.

Myth #4

Alcohol always cooks off during cooking: While some alcohol may cook off during cooking, it depends on the temperature and cooking time. A significant amount of alcohol may still remain in the dish.

Myth #5

You should only use wooden cutting boards: While wooden cutting boards are popular, plastic and bamboo cutting boards can also be effective as long as they are properly cleaned and maintained.

Myth #6

You should always defrost meat before cooking it: While it’s recommended to defrost meat before cooking it for best results, you can actually cook some meats straight from frozen.

Myth #7

Using a sharp knife is more dangerous than a dull one: A sharp knife is actually safer than a dull one because it requires less force to cut, reducing the risk of slipping and injuring yourself.

Myth #8

Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator door: The refrigerator door is the warmest part of the fridge and can cause eggs to spoil faster. It’s better to store them in the main body of the fridge.

Myth #9

You should always cook with the lid on: While cooking with a lid can help trap heat and moisture, some dishes benefit from being cooked without a lid, such as dishes that need to reduce and thicken.

Myth #10

Frozen fruits and vegetables are less nutritious than fresh ones: Frozen fruits and vegetables are often flash-frozen at peak freshness, which can actually help retain their nutritional value.

Myth #11

Cutting an onion in half and putting it in the fridge will keep it fresh: While putting an onion in the fridge can help keep it fresh, cutting it in half and putting it in the fridge will actually cause it to spoil faster.

Myth #12

You should always rinse rice before cooking it: Rinsing rice can actually remove some of the nutrients and starch from the rice, resulting in a less flavorful and less fluffy end product.

Debunking the Spicy Food Myths: An Indian Historian’s Take on Cooking Tales

India has a rich culinary heritage shaped over centuries by different cultures, religions, and regions. Along with this culinary legacy, several myths and legends related to Indian cuisine have been passed down from generation to generation. Here are just a few of them. 

Spices were used to mask the taste of spoiled food

One of the common myths associated with Indian cuisine is that spices were originally used to mask the taste of spoiled or rotten food. But it isn’t. Spices were originally used to enhance the medicinal properties and flavor of fresh ingredients. 

Curry is an Indian dish

Curry is often associated with Indian cuisine, but it’s actually a British invention. The term “curry” was used by the British to describe many dishes in India that are served with a sauce or gravy.

Vegetarianism is a recent trend in India

Another myth is that vegetarianism is a recent trend in India. But in fact, it has been a part of Indian culture and religion for thousands of years. Many Hindus and Jains practice vegetarianism as a way of life. 

Indian food is always spicy

Indian cuisine is known for its use of spices, but not all dishes are necessarily spicy. The level of spice in a dish can vary by region, chef, and personal preference. 

Indian food is unhealthy

This is a common misconception, but Indian food can be very healthy. Many Indian dishes are rich in vegetables, lentils, and spices that are very beneficial for health. However, as with all dishes, there are many dishes with a lot of fat, sugar, and salt.


In conclusion, there are many cooking myths that are actually false. By knowing the truth, you can improve your cooking skills and create delicious meals without any negative side effects.


What are common cooking mistakes?

Common cooking mistakes include:

  • Overcooking or undercooking food
  • Not seasoning food properly
  • Not preheating the oven or pan before cooking
  • Overcrowding the pan or oven
  • Using the wrong cooking technique for the food
  • Not reading the recipe thoroughly before starting
  • Not measuring ingredients accurately

What are the secrets to cooking?

The secrets to cooking include:

  • Using quality ingredients
  • Preparing ingredients properly
  • Seasoning food well
  • Using the right cooking technique for the food
  • Paying attention to the cooking time and temperature
  • Being patient and not rushing the cooking process
  • Tasting as you go and adjusting seasoning as needed

Which is the most common Cooking Myth?

One of the most common cooking myths is that searing meat seals in the juices. In reality, searing meat does not create a seal or crust that prevents juices from escaping. However, searing meat can create delicious flavors and textures.

Can one lose weight only by eating low carbs?

Eating a low-carb diet can help some people lose weight, but it’s not the only way to lose weight. The key to weight loss is creating a calorie deficit, which can be achieved through a variety of dietary approaches.

Does Salt boil water Quickly?

No, adding salt to water does not make it boil faster. However, adding salt to water can help season food and may slightly increase the boiling temperature of the water.

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